You betcha I trust Hillary Clinton. I trust her to carefully consider her every move as President and to make decisions based on the best interests of the United States. That is not difficult to say. It’s not a difficult decision to support and defend.
Yeah, but she hasn’t held a press conference in like, forever….
Why bother? You can trust the media to bring up in no particular order, Her trustworthiness poll numbers, email and Benghazi. It’s not like she isn’t out there speaking to people or the media one on one. So, she likes better control when she speaks to newsers? I think it shows good judgement on her part. It shows she has both discipline and wisdom. She doesn’t want every conversation going sideways on her. I think the media has trained her well to think before she speaks. I trust her to use that wisdom in the Oval Office.
Yeah, but her trustworthiness numbers are abysmal…..
Mine would be too, if you scrutinized my life and publicized every mistaken statement as a lie over the last thirty years. Sure, she’s said a few lies, so have I and so have you — the difference is that every one she’s said since the 1980s has probably been on the front page in one newspaper or another. I don’t know of anyone who could withstand the vetting she’s had for thirty years. You know what I think of Politifact, but even they rate her as one of the most honest politicians. Her trustworthiness numbers are based upon smoke, not fire.
Yeah, but she was for fracking, went all around the world promoting it before she came out against it in this campaign. What makes you think she’ll not go back to backing fracking once she’s in the White House?
That is a tough one, but I believe when she said:
"I don’t support it when any locality or any state is against it, No. 1. I don’t support it when the release of methane or contamination of water is present. I don’t support it — No. 3 — unless we can require that anybody who fracks has to tell us exactly what chemicals they are using.”
So by the time we get through all of my conditions, I do not think there will be many places in America where fracking will continue to take place. And I think that’s the best approach, because right now, there are places where fracking is going on that are not sufficiently regulated."
Yes, it took her a long time to get to that position, but she’s there now and I believe she’ll follow through on that promise.
Yeah, but she’s so secretive!
Nothing like thirty or forty years depending up on how you calculate it, to make you careful about what you say, when you say it and who you say it to. I respect and honor her discipline. She’s trying to be POTUS. That job by it’s very nature deals with sensitive, classified information on an hourly basis. I find it vexing to hear people complain about HRC being too secretive when that’s been her job for years — not telling everything she knows. Have you had a job where you’ve been told to hold back specific bits of information? Did you do what you were told? Yes? Well, the difference is that Hillary Clinton tells herself to hold back. She’s had thirty years of hostile press coverage experience telling her to keep her front door shut. I trust her discipline and if the media doesn’t like that, then, too bad.
Well, she certainly blew it with her email……
You know, she can’t please anybody; can she? First she’s so secretive, then you parrot the GOP party line on the email. Tell me, what national secret was exposed as clearly as when Jason Chaffetz told us the CIA had a facility in Benghazi? She didn’t knowingly send anything marked classified. In fact, the three that were marked “classified” were improperly marked (they didn’t have classified header records) and as I understand it, those three were phone lists. Not only that, but she was a declassifying authority at the time. It’s not like she outed a CIA agent out of spite like Dick Cheney did. I trust her with classified information. She’s said she’s sorry about her email server and she’ll never do that again. After watching her over the last thirty years; we can take her at her word on that, she’ll never screw up email again, ever again.
Since you brought up Benghazi...
Benghazi Derangement Syndrome is the most exasperating to me because it just shows that what is ok under a GOP administration is somehow dishonest when it comes to Hillary Clinton. Under Bush there were 20 attacks of diplomatic installations according to this list and over 60 innocents died in these attacks — 60 were U.S. citizens — and we’re still waiting on Congress to investigate those attacks on diplomatic installations. Yeah, ZERO investigations. Like I said before Jason Chaffetz blew the lid off the CIA installation in Benghazi and he had ZERO consequences for exposing that. If you think the video trailer prevented her from calling Benghazi an Act of Terrorism within days of the attack, then you’ve bought the GOP lie, hook, line and sinker. I suspect we won’t have the declassified version of what the U.S. knows and when we knew it won’t be for twenty to fifty years from now.
Did she know the actual cause of the attacks on 9/11/2012? Maybe, but were those facts “classified” at the time she knew them? Well? No one is looking at the Benghazi talking points from that direction and you don’t go around saying, “Well we knew it, but that information wasn’t declassified yet; so we had to lie.” You know, I find the “Gotcha!” BS about Benghazi to be overly simplistic of a very complicated situation. Did Hillary Clinton lie to Patricia Smith and Charles Woods about the video? It can’t be independently confirmed or denied. Only Patricia Smith and Charles Woods say she did; and Kate Quigley sister of one victim said Clinton mentioned protests, but not the video. The other family members there say she didn’t mention either. But, what really bothers me about Benghazi is that somehow these four deaths are all her fault and Congress skates for not appropriating more funds for consulate security. Chaffetz skates on his illegal release of classified information. The CIA? They sit there like the Cheshire Cat. We will never know what the CIA did in Benghazi in the lead up to the attack. If you want to know who was misdirecting, obfuscating if not, outright lying; I’d start with the CIA, not Hillary Clinton.
Yeah, I just don’t know…
I do know. I know that Hillary Clinton has been trained for POTUS for over forty years. She learns from her mistakes and has made fewer mistakes as time goes on. I trust her. She didn’t lie like Trump when he says she’s going to bring more jobs to America while his suits, ties, shirts, stemware and more is made outside of the U.S. She doesn’t say she met Putin, then she didn’t then she did like Trump did (she did meet Putin). She might have cried poverty when she left the White House, but she pays her bills, unlike Trump. HRC can get domestic banks to lend her money, Trump has trouble doing that. You want to trust a guy who skips out on paying American workers, but not HRC? That makes no sense to me.
Trust? I trust Hillary Clinton. I believe she will work in America’s best interest. I trust her to not say anything on the world stage that will embarrass America. I trust her to rarely make gaffes. I trust her to follow up on her campaign promises to the best of her ability. I trust her to pay her bills. I trust her with our military, that she will not squander our blood or treasure. It’s not hard to do. Trust her.