It's been just over a year since my husband's mother passed away. She died mid December 2012. We were on auto throughout the 2012 holiday season. Since she died, we've grieved. We settled up her affairs. We did all the things necessary after a loved one leaves us. Last Christmas was surreal for us.
This year's holiday season has been different from where my family was two years ago when I wrote, "Well, I'm Forked". Last year due to my husband's mother's illnesses, we had a weird Christmas season, but this year; we took the advice in that 2 year old comment thread. Christmas this year featured: No mad dashes from South Florida to Central Florida. No crisis management scenarios. No family bullshit. No snide bitterness. No one said stupid things. No demands for us to show up to events with family members who really don't like or respect us. For the first time in years, from Thanksgiving to New Year's Day; we had Peace on Earth in the Wolverton household. In a contrast to the last 2 years - we had a lot of fun.
If you want the details, read on; but if you don't like those news letters you get with Christmas cards....I get it. See you next time. This diary is a report of how things improved for us over the last 2 years.