I wasn't particularly moved by Ann Romney's speech earlier this week. It wasn't anything to write about. I get it. She's a mother of five boys. I could relate as I'm one out of the five children (3 girls, 2 boys) my mother had. True, on rainy days, she probably nearly lost her mind. Ann Romney has been insulated from dealing with poverty most of her life. She might have had to "make due" with stock sales early in her marriage, but those days are long gone.
I can't imagine what it would have been like to live Ann Romney's life, so I'm not going to go the route of supposing anything about it, but I do find it a bit condescending to have her suppose what it's been like for me to live mine. Her delusional assertions to Savannah Guthrie on the Today Show is just out there. She asserts that this is an election about the economy. Ok. The economy is a pervasive concept that interacts with all aspects of our lives from where we live to health care, the food we eat and how we move about town.
Just who are the women Mitt Romney is winning over that he didn't already have to begin with? Is Ann saying women are rationalizing that birth control and choice don't matter? Ann Romney can't comprehend the idea that birth control is part of the economic equation women have to navigate through their lives.
I have a student that is 21 years old, who is the mother of four children. She lives by herself with her children and somehow manages to keep things going. My student can't comprehend how Ann Romney could possibly think she has anything in common with her. Especially since Mitt Romney's running mate has submitted 2 budget proposals that would devastate her family.
I have a friend who laughs at the idea of Ann Romney driving a choice of two Cadillacs when she's focused on keeping her 10 year old car of a make I shall not name cruising the road. My friend is a widow has two kids; one in college and one starting a career. She can't conceive of how Ann Romney has anything in common with her.
I have a friend who has been downsized, outsourced, off shored and fired from jobs. He sees venture capitalism for what it is. His wife who works for the government is worried. She's afraid her job will be eliminated if austerity becomes reality. She knows that jobs that are created by venture capitalists tend to be poorer paid than the jobs that were out sourced or off shored. She knows that Paul Ryan wants to further cut government jobs. She has no idea what Ann Romney was talking about today with Savannah Guthrie as she surely wasn't talking about her.
I have a friend who sort of defended Bain capital one day. We were eating at Dunkin' Donuts. He was kvetching about how the donut quality sucks now that the donuts aren't made fresh at the store anymore. I conversationally mentioned that change occurred after Bain Capital and another firm acquired controlling interest in Dunkin' Donuts. (He'll never forgive Bain Capital for destroying the taste of Dunkin' Donuts.) He no longer defends Bain Capital - they destroyed his beloved Donuts. It was if the donuts fell from his eyes (like fish scales) and he saw Mitt & Ann Romney and Paul Ryan's budget plans for what they are. Plutocrats that have little in common with him.
The one thing I'm sure Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan can do is find a way to add more debt to the U.S. economy in a way that benefits their wealthy friends. I'm sure they'll find a way to create low paying jobs, but no more than the 12 million anticipated to be created in the next 4 years anyway. I'm sure they would find a way to give the wealthy a tax break at the same time they increase the tax burden on the poor and middle class.
I really don't understand Ann Romney at all. She sure doesn't get me.