Another View of the Sandusky Case; UPDATE
Aside from the heinousness, something has bothered me about the Jerry Sandusky case. I have some hopes that some good can come out of this horrible situation. One is that survivors of Sandusky's sexual...
View ArticleWhat's Missing? Reality vs. Denial
The SCOTUS healthcare watch will end this week. Some of the Supreme Court members have committments to teach classes in Europe by the first week of July. We will know the fate of ACA on Thursday.There...
View ArticleHave 1 Week Old Pootie! Help! Update x2 We're Good!
I'm a woozle person. I love my woozles, but right now two are in the woozle house and they are clueless about why I'm upset with them. Really, they were woozles being woozles. I have one hunter, one...
View ArticleObama to GOP: OK, I'll Give You 97-98% of the Pie
Sadly,that still isn't enough for those greedy ....Surprising nobody, this offer isn't acceptable to John Boehner and friends.Instead of passing on what both sides can agree on, the GOP wants to...
View ArticleWe Don't Talk About It
There's reasons why people with child sexual assault and child rape histories don't talk about their experiences. For one reason or another, talking can cause trouble. For me it was a big secret at...
View ArticleUnder Violations of the Ethics and Integrity Clauses....Penn State
Penn State will pay one year's gross revenues from their former football program, an estimated $60 million fine, that in part will fund a nation wide child assault recovery program Penn State is...
View ArticleLikeability: Obama, Then There's Romney
It was predictable really. Early on in the GOP primaries, some candidates had charisma. Some had substance. Some had money. Some had foreign policy creds. None had it all. Some had nothing. The GOP...
View ArticleWhatever Happened to "Trust, But Verify"?
Poor Mitt. He seems to be having some trouble. It's hard to comprehend how someone with so much business success. Someone who anticipates financial market twists and turns so accurately would so badly...
View Article"I Don't Have the Right To Vote"
That's what she said.Excuse me?" I was sure I heard that incorrectly."No, I mean I can vote. I'm a citizen, but I don't follow politics, so I don't have the right to vote." She's a good student. Shows...
View ArticleFlorida Voter Suppression
My daughter and I voted in Florida's primary before I went on vacation last week. Hubby is still an independent, so there was nothing for him to vote for or against. Florida passed a VOTER Suppression...
View ArticleRumor Has It That Claire McCaskill Told the Truth
I caught a little clip on NBCnews today that illustrates how Orwellian and Machiavellian this election is. Joe Scarborough was pretty put out with Todd Akin today. Not so much because Akin was wrong...
View ArticleIsaac's Not a Big Storm...Yet - 8-27 Upds
I've got deja vu. A few years back a hurricane went over my house. The eye went over my house and the storm did nothing to my home. It was only a category 1 storm. We had rain. We had winds of less...
View ArticleAnn Loves Mitt Romney - Not Me, Not Us
I wasn't particularly moved by Ann Romney's speech earlier this week. It wasn't anything to write about. I get it. She's a mother of five boys. I could relate as I'm one out of the five children (3...
View ArticleGOP Fear, Desperation & Losing It
Fear's in the air. It's in Florida's air waves big time. Just about every GOP ad I see plays on fear or is telling me how awful our government is. It's old. It's tired. It's eye rollingly boring.The...
View Article1 Intolerant Film Is No Justification For 4 Murders - Update
Like many of us, I woke today to see another reason to grieve as a nation. We grieve over another attack resulting in 4 deaths. The United States once again, defends our 1st Amendment rights as...
View ArticleStep Out For Diabetes a Success in Miami
It rained big time yesterday. It's raining today. Water is coming down in buckets. I wasn't too optimistic about the 5k walk at Marlin Park yesterday, but my daughter persuaded me that the organizers...
View ArticleRomney Ryan Health Care Specifics
It's the last month of the campaign. Romney is getting down to telling us what his plans are. We've got a snippet on the revised (again) Romney health care plan. His current idea is to stick consumers...
View ArticleThe Romney Tax Plan Explained
I really really want to know the details of how you can balance $4.8 trillion in cuts with tax increases that don't hammer the middle class. It's been difficult to figure out. I was so excited to find...
View ArticlePervasive War on Women - The Fantasy Slut League
The real consequences on The War on Women is the every day stuff (to borrow a term from our current Veep) that shows up on the news scene. What is missing from the discussion is that this War is the...
View ArticleI Can't Concentrate on This Election
I've made a few calls. I'm giving people straight talk when I hear Romney bots speak their bullshit, but the sad fact is my mother-in-law is dying in super slo mo. It's heartbreaking to watch. I know...
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